Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lobster Poutine

Lobster Poutine, unbelievably delicious - The Grill - Halifax NS

For the awesome Jan Napiers Blog and more Lobster - Nova Scotia adventures please go to....

Nun contemplates the power of the wind & sea

Nun by the Sea, Peggy's Cove N.S.

Habit in the Wind, by the Seaside, Peggy's Cove N.S.

Nun Frolicking at Peggy's Cove

Peggy's Cove

Nun visits Peggy's Cove.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Nun stops at Citadel Hill in Halifax to see the sights on her way to Contact East 2010 in Antigonish N.S.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Arrived in Nova Scotia

Visiting friends in Halifax on my way to Cantact East. Dog walking in Point Pleasant Park with Jan.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

New York Review- Stripes

Review by Daryl Glenn

"The joyously authentic and unusual Sarah Hayward performed her self-penned one woman show “Stripes: The Mystery Circus” to an enraptured audience who were, myself included, basking in the glow of a completely original, never seen anything like it before treat of theatrical wizardry. Suffice to say that the action all centers around kooky,
desperate and oddly endearing Pollyhymnia and her hilarious, genuinely touching and off-kilter attempts to join the circus. Taking her cue from famous illustrious acts of the past she turns each into her own version, taking the general idea (or title anyway) and evolving them into variations that you and I could certainly never imagine on our own that made one actually feel another persons often insane and yet insanely logical and involving world view. Clever, smart and funny she never lost our attention through any number of character and costume changes (all handled rather brilliantly and expediently!) and a host of deliciously strange and beautiful songs that transported us to another world entirely. This was a lovely show and a completely successful tribute to it’s obviously impassioned creator! Brava Sarah!"

Friday, September 17, 2010

Nova Scotia for Contact East 2010

New Adventure....packing for Nova Scotia, my old stomping grounds. Getting ready to head to Nova Scotia to perform an edited 20 minute version of Stripes: The Mystery Circus for Contact East 2010, the east coast Arts Market. Sept 22-26 in Antigonish NS.
My showcase is Sept 25th at 11am.

Artist Meets Industry Van fringe Talk

Attended interesting Vancouver Fringe Professional Development Talk...Artist Meets industry with Justin Sudds of S.L. Freldmann & Associates (Manager agent) and TJ Dawe.
Notes from this session:
Discussed: the importance of Social Media Component for artist Justin looks for big presence in social networking, twitter, facebook fans etc.
Mentioned opportunities for artists: corporate touring, PACtouring, Contact showcases for artists (BCTC, Capacoa, Contact East)
Recommended sites: for tips and advise for performers,,,ie: Here’s what a cold call email should look like..... Justin and Kahlil Ashanti (Basic Training) taking blog and making it into a show.
Spoke of difference between a soft sell ticket, like a fringe or subscription and a hard sell ticket one you just sell on your own name.
Agents: Looking for world class writer, best physical performer best expressive performer with a body of work. If you are looking for a producer to rep your show? Look on the posters of the super successful artists, for the names of their reps.
Edinburgh....don’t go thinking you will make money.....average audience 8 people...$10,000 TO 20,000 expenses. Great for big industry exposure if you have top show and you flyer your tail off.
Vital importance to your show success...title of your show...sometimes that is all a person reads about your show.
Publicist also very important!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

More Scenes from New York, Including Bern

Explored NY, Little Italy for stuffed artichoke, Little Night Music with Bernadette Peters...amazing show.

Wrapping up at Cherry Lane Theatre

It’s a wrap on the FringeNYC. Dennis Simpson came closing night and brought his gorgeous sister Gloria. Had a reviewer there Daryl Glenn who said he will write a glowing review. I am full of gratitude to the wonderful team of people helping me with the show...AJ, JJ, Rosie and Peggy....super volunteers and a great venue.

"Stripes: The Mystery Circus is a wonderfully bizarre one-woman show. Part musical, part burlesque, it is reminiscent of Side Show at the Shore in Coney Island. An outcast works through her demons and along the way summons the confidence to live her dream. Spectacular!"

Michelle R.
Artistic Director