Do you think Blogging was invented so we would have something to do with the three hour wait time at the airport?
I am very excited the day is here when I take off for New York City and FringeNYC. I'm all checked in, ready to go to the International Fringe Festival NYC. It was a year ago I started this blogg with the prompting of my good friend Peggy...we decided to call it Stripes The World Tour Begins, a wishful thinking kind of start, little did i know I'd be headed to NY year later.
Had a very busy day today, Birkam yoga at 8, Marguerite for two hours vocal brush up, then met with Tara for a little choreo and pep talk! Then Rolfing with Steven. I was so tired I actually fell asleep on the rolfing table, and that's hard to do what with the pain and all.
Speaking with Marguerite and Tara I was remembering one of my inspirations for creating Stripes, it was something Peter Gzowski said on the CBC, years ago, when asked if there was one thing he could do, but it was not possible, what would it be? He said it would be to take his mother to lunch. Fortunately my own mother was alive at the time and so I took her to lunch as often as I could remembering Peter's words, and consciously grateful for our delicious time together.
Some of the material in Stripes that was written from my own experience and allows me to do just that, re-visit my family again and re-experience some of those times.
I am so thankful to all those people who encouraged me, coached me and helped Stripes move forward. I'm heading to the Oyster Bar in Grand Central Station to take a big bite of the Big Apple.